Final Projection
For our final assignment for the class we had full creative choice on what we wanted our projection to be. The only requirements were that the content was 100% yours and there were 6 surfaces. My mind instantly flew to anxiety and depression. I wanted to originally do this topic for my fragmented video but I didn't have the tools and people in order to do it. First I started out with taking videos of my eyes and face. The point of this was I was going to symbolize someone with worry and seeming anxious which would then later be projected on a faceless mannequin. I bought 3 mannequin heads to use for the videos of my eyes, but when it came to the rest of the surfaces and project I didn't know what to do. I couldn't find surfaces to use and I was worried I'd have to start from scratch, but then I got a great idea. I ended up using my inhaler box, and 2 medication bottles that I have for my anxiety. I projected a video of fire burning on the pill bottles and then my face on the inhaler box. In terms of audio, I wrote a little speech about how anxiety and used that for the background for the assignment. This project turned out really well and I'm happy that this was the result. Below are the final images and videos! Thank you for following me on this journey and I hope you stick around for more amazing content from me!
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