
Showing posts from December, 2022

Final Projection

For our final assignment for the class we had full creative choice on what we wanted our projection to be. The only requirements were that the content was 100% yours and there were 6 surfaces. My mind instantly flew to anxiety and depression. I wanted to originally do this topic for my fragmented video but I didn't have the tools and people in order to do it. First I started out with taking videos of my eyes and face. The point of this was I was going to symbolize someone with worry and seeming anxious which would then later be projected on a faceless mannequin. I bought 3 mannequin heads to use for the videos of my eyes, but when it came to the rest of the surfaces and project I didn't know what to do. I couldn't find surfaces to use and I was worried I'd have to start from scratch, but then I got a great idea. I ended up using my inhaler box, and 2 medication bottles that I have for my anxiety. I projected a video of fire burning on the pill bottles and then my face o...

Large Scale Projection

For this assignment, we were tasked with creating another projection, but on a larger, human-like scale. I had a hard time coming up with an idea at first for this assignment, but eventually I decided to make a tribute to those affected by police brutality that are unfortunately no longer with us as a result. I made both projection videos in Adobe Premiere Pro, but since they were 2 separate videos on 2 separate surfaces I unfortunately could not play both projections at the same time. The results are below and I added a photoshopped version of what I wanted the final product to look like for reference!

Small Scale Projection

For this assignment, we had to use our video we made for the last project and using a projector cast them video onto 6-9 separate surfaces. Since my video is about being watched, I asked my friend Annie to lend me some pieces of clothing as I was going to project the video onto them. We used MadMapper for this assignment and using the tools provided were able to manipulate and shape the videos to fit inside the surface perfectly. Below are photos and videos of the result!

Camara Obscura

This project required us to purchase trash bags to tape up a window in a room blocking out as much light as possible. We then cut a hole in the center and taped a piece of cardboard with another hole in the center on top of it (acting as the camera lens). I got the image to be quite clear and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. I don't have anything outside my room besides other apartments so unfortunately that was all that could be projected. If I had the location and time I would've definitely gotten a better view to see how it would've turned out. Photos of the process and the results are shown below!

Fragmented Video

This assignment was actually really fun to do. We had to create a 6-9 3-minute videos and compose them into 1 single 3 minute video using a grid. The only requirements were that the video was 3 minutes long and the grid was never to be broken. For this assignment my mind went to spooky season and I wanted the video to resemble someone being stalked or watched. My friend Annie willingly, or maybe by force, agreed to be in the video and act as the subject being watched. She did a phenomenal job and I heard she's being nominated for an Emmy for this role! After piecing it together, color correcting the frames, and adding creepy music behind it all it turned out pretty good. I hope you enjoy the video and happy spooky season! Link to video: 

Video Art

There are so many ways to film a video and we studied them for the first few weeks of class. Some of the artists included Nam June Paik, The Residents, Laurie Anderson, and many more. For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a 1-minute video art piece that focuses on the phrase "Embrace the Error". Many thoughts went through my mind but none of them could be achieved with the duration restriction. Then it clicked and I decided to make a piece that shows the injustice that the Black community faces as a result of police brutality daily here in the US. Please take the time to not only watch the video, but stay educated on what is going on in our country. Racism is alive and well and talking about it is the only way we can come up with a solution. Enjoy the video! Link to video: